You made a big investment when you purchased your home and, like any other investment, you want its value to increase.

Unlike other investments that are wholly affected by fluctuations in the stock market, you can directly impact the value of your home by making home improvements. Sure, the real estate market will have an impact, but anything you do to improve your property will increase its value.

Did you know that children born today will pay up to four times more for tuition than a current 18 or 19- year-old? Why not start saving for college tuition the day your child is born? Watch your savings grow, and pass along responsible lifelong financial lessons to your child by educating them on the responsibilities and rewards of saving at a young age. This will also help prepare your child for those inevitable financial conversations regarding the high cost of college and their role in paying for it after graduation.

Each year in April, credit unions nationwide celebrate Youth Month. VLFCU is no exception and is excited to announce that we have revamped the celebration this year! We hope to engage more with our younger members and to educate them and their parents about the products and services specifically designed to help the youth in our community. 

As part of our celebration, each branch will host contests and have giveaways throughout the month. We encourage you to bring your kids to a VLFCU branch for a visit!