It's that time of year again. A new school year for millions of kids all across the United States is just around the corner. The good news: the kids are no longer at home all day. Some parents love this. The bad news: kids will need supplies, and these days they need a lot more than crayons, pencils, and erasers. There are backpacks, folders and binders; electronics; pay-to-play fees; shoes and clothing – the list goes on. Depending on the size of your family, these items can easily set you back hundreds or thousands of dollars.
The long lists are daunting and can leave you wondering how on earth you will pay for all these essentials. Take a deep breath – you're not alone.
Who doesn't like money? It doesn't mean you're greedy, and money certainly isn't everything. But while those greenbacks and bucks might not buy you love and may be the root of all evil, money is necessary for basic survival. After all, how many of us would go to work each day if we weren't paid?
Just for kicks, here's a roster of little-known "fun facts" about money.
Were you pleased with your financial situation in 2017? We're already six months into 2018, and it's time to determine how you're doing so far this year and if you have your finances on track.
Much like keeping your body and mind fit, making sure you are financially stable also requires maintenance and preparation. Taking control of your financial future can be overwhelming and frustrating. A mid-year financial checkup is a good habit to get into to evaluate your progress in the first six months and make sure you have all your bases covered. If you're off course, you can still make adjustments before it's too late.